Young Investors Propel Rise of 401(k) Millionaires

In a striking turnaround from the tumultuous financial landscape of 2022, the investment arena is currently witnessing a remarkable resurgence. The story of 2023 brings a breath of fresh air for investors, as account balances have experienced substantial growth over the past 12 months. The most noteworthy outcome of this financial rejuvenation is the noteworthy expansion of the realm of 401(k) millionaires, with their ranks swelling by a staggering 25% in the span of this year alone, as per Fidelity Investments’ Q2 2023 retirement analysis.
The backdrop against which this impressive development unfolds is crucial to appreciate. Just a year ago, investors were grappling with soaring inflation, escalating interest rates, and significant downturns in both the bond and equity markets. This confluence of unfavorable factors led to substantial declines in the average retirement account balances, denting the hopes of many. However, the narrative shifted remarkably this year.
The heartening statistics are most evident in the data shared by Fidelity. At the close of June, over 378,000 individuals who held Fidelity 401(k) plans celebrated the distinction of having account balances surpassing $1 million. Comparatively, this number stood at 299,000 by the close of 2022. Individual retirement account (IRA) millionaires have similarly made a notable entry onto the scene, boasting a count of 349,104 by the end of June. Fidelity’s extensive report draws insights from the savings behaviors and account balances of a whopping 45 million retirement accounts under its management.
Yet, it is essential to acknowledge the potential that Fidelity’s analysis may inadvertently underestimate the prevalence of retirement account millionaires. This could stem from the fact that individuals might contribute to both 401(k)s and IRAs, or could possess accounts with other financial institutions. Moreover, while these developments are encouraging, it is crucial to remember that not everyone in the U.S. possesses a retirement account, and account balances exhibit significant variance based on factors such as age, profession, and income.
The surge in account balances owes its roots to a combination of robust contribution rates and the revival of the stock market. The total contribution rate, combining both employee and employer contributions, hit 13.9% for the second quarter, aligning closely with the recommendations of many experts (Fidelity suggests a slightly higher rate of 15%). Notably, baby boomers showcased the highest savings discipline, contributing 16.6% of their salary over the quarter.
It is worth noting that while the ranks of 401(k) millionaires are expanding, it’s still far from the norm. The average 401(k) balance has escalated to $112,400, while the typical IRA balance stood at $113,800 in the last quarter. These numbers underline the broad spectrum of account balances, reflecting the diversity of savers’ financial situations.
One of the most heartening aspects of this financial renaissance is the progress observed among young professionals. Gen Z and millennials have been particularly effective at bolstering their savings. Gen Z experienced a remarkable 66% surge in average 401(k) balances compared to a year prior, while millennials enjoyed a substantial 24.5% increase. The Gen X cohort saw an upswing of 14.5%, and even baby boomers, who have seen many financial cycles, recorded an average growth of 6.3% from a year ago.
Reports indicate that younger workers are now outpacing their older counterparts in saving for retirement at similar ages. The power of early contributions cannot be understated; it is in the early stages that contribution rates play a pivotal role in accumulating a solid foundation for future growth. As Joanna Rotenberg, President of Personal Investing at Fidelity, aptly notes, starting young grants investments the invaluable gift of time, facilitating the magic of compounding.
For savers, this resurgence brings forth a welcome respite, especially given the growing concerns around the adequacy of retirement funds. Recent assessments project that the average goal retirement balance stands at $1.1 million, while some experts estimate an even loftier figure of $1.9 million, mirroring the escalating cost of living in the United States.
“A million dollars isn’t what it used to be, but it can still provide a comfortable retirement if done right,” notes Gates Little, President and CEO at the Southern Bank Company. He does, however, highlight the reality that those accustomed to a higher income may find a $1 million retirement fund falling short of their accustomed lifestyle.
The shift to brighter prospects in 2023 serves as a marked contrast to the challenges faced by investors in 2022. Despite the upheavals of the previous year, many investors adhered to a steadfast course, a strategy that has been validated by this year’s upward trajectory. Fidelity’s advice, rooted in a long-term approach to saving and a steadfastness that resists the sway of short-term economic fluctuations, remains as relevant as ever.
In the grand tapestry of financial markets, 2023’s rise in account balances signifies not only a rebound but also a testament to the enduring resilience of investors and the power of strategic foresight. The future may hold uncertainties, but the journey of sound financial planning continues to be guided by the principles of discipline, patience, and a commitment to the long term.