British Intelligence update on Ukraine as of Apr. 19

British Intelligence update on Ukraine as of Apr. 19
Since the start of its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the Russian state has systematically used information operations as a major element of its strategy.
It has cultivated multiple channels and proxies to spread disinformation: the intentional creation and sharing of false or manipulated information.
One component of Russia’s disinformation is ‘narrative laundering’, whereby Russia promotes information from proxies, or unverified social media sources, which then permeates to more mainstream or state-run media.
This aims to cloud the source of the information, making it easier for the Russian state to distance itself from the message. It then promotes misleading fragments of the narrative, while masking its vested interest.
Russian state actors present manipulated narratives in both orchestrated and opportunistic ways. Their current priorities almost certainly include discrediting the Ukrainian government and reducing international support for Ukraine.