
Amazon Accused by FTC of Enrolling Consumers into Prime Service Without Consent

Picture Source: Reuters

The US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has taken action against, accusing the company of enrolling millions of consumers into its paid subscription service, Amazon Prime, without their consent and making it challenging for them to cancel. The FTC’s lawsuit alleges that Amazon used manipulative user-interface designs, commonly known as “dark patterns,” to deceive consumers into unknowingly signing up for recurring Prime subscriptions. This latest legal action against the e-commerce giant is part of the Biden administration’s efforts to address the market dominance of Big Tech companies and promote fair competition.

The Allegations and Amazon’s Response:

The FTC’s lawsuit, filed in federal court in Seattle, asserts that Amazon knowingly misled millions of consumers into enrolling in Amazon Prime. The agency seeks civil penalties and a permanent injunction to prevent future violations. Responding to the allegations, Amazon called the FTC’s claims false and emphasized that customers willingly and easily sign up for or cancel their Prime memberships.

The Impact of Amazon Prime:

Amazon Prime is recognized as the world’s largest subscription program, generating an annual revenue of $25 billion. The service provides subscribers with fast and free shipping, various discounts, access to entertainment content, and additional benefits. Prime members, who pay $139 per year in the United States, contribute significantly to Amazon’s sales volume. With over 200 million members worldwide, Prime is crucial to the success of Amazon’s other businesses, such as Prime Video and grocery delivery services.

FTC Investigation and Amazon’s Practices:

The FTC has been investigating the sign-up and cancellation processes of Amazon Prime since March 2021. The complaint alleges that consumers faced complex and time-consuming steps when attempting to cancel their Prime memberships. The FTC also accuses Amazon of intentionally delaying its investigation through bad-faith responses to document requests. While Amazon made changes to its cancellation process in April under pressure from the FTC, the agency claims that violations are ongoing, as the cancellation process still requires multiple clicks to complete.

The Broader Context and Industry Practices:

The FTC’s lawsuit against Amazon reflects a broader global effort to address the influence and market power of major tech companies, including Amazon, Apple, and Meta (formerly Facebook). The case highlights the challenge of canceling memberships in various subscription-based services and underscores the need for consumer protection. While the FTC’s actions focus on Amazon, industry analysts suggest that other retailers and subscription services may employ similar tactics that hinder the cancellation process.


The FTC’s legal action against Amazon for alleged deceptive practices in enrolling consumers into Amazon Prime without their consent and complicating the cancellation process sheds light on the ongoing scrutiny faced by Big Tech companies. As governments worldwide strive to rein in the influence of these tech giants, Amazon finds itself at the center of regulatory attention. While the outcome of the lawsuit remains uncertain, it underscores the importance of transparent and consumer-friendly practices in the subscription-based economy, ensuring that customers can easily exercise their choice to cancel memberships.