
A Closer Look at India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Act 2023

In a significant development towards safeguarding the privacy of its citizens, India has ushered in the Digital Personal Data Protection Act of 2023. This monumental legislation, which comes six years after the Indian Supreme Court declared the ‘Right to Privacy’ as a fundamental right, is poised to bring about transformative changes in the way personal data is handled in the digital realm. Minister of State for Electronics and IT, Rajeev Chandrasekhar, recently shed light on the Act’s key provisions and the roadmap for its implementation.

Protecting Personal Data:

At the heart of the Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023, is the aim to protect the privacy of Indian citizens. The Act introduces stringent measures to curb the misuse of individuals’ data by online platforms, in alignment with international best practices for data protection. A significant deterrent is the provision for penalties of up to Rs 250 crore on entities found guilty of misusing or failing to protect the digital data of individuals.

Key Provisions:

One of the cornerstones of the Act is the principle that data collected from citizens should only be used for the specific purpose for which it was collected. Additionally, it emphasizes that the quantum of data collected should be limited to what is strictly necessary. This places a significant onus on organizations to handle data responsibly, ensuring that it is not used for purposes unrelated to the original intent of collection.

Consent Management:

The Act includes eight essential rules, including consent management, which organizations must adhere to. Minister Chandrasekhar has noted that the Data Protection Board, responsible for overseeing these rules, will be established within a month. This board will play a pivotal role in ensuring compliance and addressing grievances from individuals.

Industry Consultation:

Acknowledging the challenges that the industry may face in transitioning to compliance, Minister Chandrasekhar revealed that entities might be granted approximately a year to fine-tune their systems to meet the norms of the Act. This period would provide organizations with the necessary time to adapt to the new regulatory landscape. The consultation, which was attended by representatives from major companies including Meta, Lenovo, Dell, and Netflix, reflects the collaborative approach taken to ensure effective implementation.


The Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023, marks a crucial step forward for India in safeguarding the privacy of its citizens in the digital age. With stringent rules, penalties, and a commitment to limiting data usage to its intended purpose, this legislation is poised to reshape the data handling landscape in the country. As the Data Protection Board and guidelines for the eight rules are set to be established within a month, both the government and industry stakeholders are gearing up to ensure compliance and create a secure digital environment for all.