
Alarming Surge in Syphilis Cases in Newborns Sparks Urgent Calls for Action

Recent data from U.S. health officials has revealed a disconcerting spike in cases of syphilis in newborns, prompting calls for enhanced prevention measures and widespread testing for the sexually transmitted disease among women of childbearing age and their partners.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 3,700 babies were born with congenital syphilis in 2022. This represents a staggering tenfold increase from a decade ago and a significant 32% surge from 2021. Even more distressing, syphilis was the cause of 282 stillbirths and infant deaths, which is almost 16 times higher than in 2012.

The 2022 numbers marked the highest count in over 30 years, raising significant concerns among health officials. It’s particularly worrisome that, in over 50% of congenital syphilis cases, the mothers had tested positive for the disease during pregnancy but failed to receive proper treatment.

This surge in congenital syphilis is closely linked to the increase in primary and secondary syphilis cases among adults. Moreover, the scarcity of benzathine penicillin injections, a crucial medical tool in preventing congenital syphilis, due to supply shortages, has further complicated the situation.

Dr. Laura Bachmann of the CDC emphasized the pressing need for change in addressing this concerning epidemic. The agency is advocating for more proactive measures to combat this issue, including initiating syphilis treatment when a pregnant woman first tests positive rather than waiting for confirmatory testing. Additionally, the CDC is pushing for improved transportation access to ensure that women can promptly receive treatment.

The CDC also suggests making rapid syphilis tests more widely available, extending beyond traditional healthcare settings like doctors’ offices and STD clinics to places such as emergency rooms, needle-exchange programs, prisons, and jails.

The federal agency is calling on sexually active women of childbearing age and their partners to undergo syphilis testing at least once if they reside in counties with high rates of syphilis. According to a new CDC map and definition, an estimated 70% of U.S. adults live in such counties, which translates to tens of millions of individuals.

However, it’s essential to note that the CDC’s recommendations do not come with additional federal funding for state and local health departments to expand testing and access. Some state health departments have already voiced concerns about their capacity for treatment and prevention. Nevertheless, these concerns must be addressed to curb the alarming increase in congenital syphilis cases.

Syphilis is a bacterial infection that, despite being a feared sexually transmitted disease for centuries, saw a significant decline in new infections following the widespread availability of antibiotics in the 1940s. Unfortunately, the early 2000s marked a resurgence in syphilis cases, affecting various demographics, with men who have sex with other men being disproportionately impacted.

Congenital syphilis occurs when mothers transmit the disease to their newborns, potentially leading to severe health problems or even death. While the CDC recommends testing all pregnant women for syphilis during their first prenatal visit, poor access to prenatal care in rural areas remains a significant barrier, with nearly 40% of last year’s congenital syphilis cases involving mothers who did not receive prenatal care.

Early diagnosis and treatment of syphilis during pregnancy can eliminate the risk of transmission to the baby with a single penicillin shot. However, if the disease is detected later in pregnancy, multiple shots may be required, administered at least 30 days before delivery, posing additional challenges for timely and complete treatment.

The ongoing shortage of benzathine penicillin shots, the primary tool against congenital syphilis, further complicates efforts to reduce syphilis cases. While non-pregnant patients can use the antibiotic doxycycline for syphilis treatment, health officials express concerns about the 14- to 28-day treatment timeline, which can be challenging to complete, potentially leaving infected individuals uncured.

Pfizer, the sole supplier of the penicillin shot, has cited increased demand as the reason for the supply shortage, and the shortage may persist into the next year. Despite this, the CDC maintains that the shortage did not contribute to the 2022 congenital syphilis case numbers and is unaware of patients not receiving their necessary shots.