
Kate Middleton to Resume Royal Duties After Easter Confirms Uncle Amid Photoshop Controversy

Amidst swirling rumors and speculation surrounding Princess Kate’s alleged plans to step down from royal duties, her uncle, Gary Goldsmith, has stepped forward to provide clarity. Appearing on Thursday’s GB News with Nigel Farage, Goldsmith confirmed that the Princess of Wales will indeed be returning to her royal responsibilities after Easter, as initially indicated by the palace.

In his interview, Goldsmith expressed confidence in Kate’s support system, stating, “I think she has the best support on the planet, she has the best people looking after her.” He emphasized that the palace has remained transparent regarding Kate’s return to duties, maintaining consistency with their previous announcement.

However, the conversation took an unexpected turn as Goldsmith addressed the recent Photoshop controversy surrounding Kate. Initially skeptical that Kate had edited the Mother’s Day photo, he admitted his shock upon learning the truth. “I did say when it came out the photo ‘there’s not a chance in hell she photoshopped them herself’ and then it came out that she did!” Goldsmith recounted.

Princess Kate herself addressed the controversy with an apology, acknowledging her experimentation with editing as an amateur photographer. She expressed regret for any confusion caused by the shared family photograph and wished everyone a happy Mother’s Day.

Read More: Prince William’s Silence A Protective Stance Amidst Kate Middleton’s Photo Controversy

Yet, far from dispelling rumors, Kate’s apology only seemed to fuel speculation about her health and rumored intentions to step down from royal duties. The public’s reaction to the Photoshop incident has amplified existing uncertainties surrounding Kate’s role within the royal family.

As Princess Kate prepares to resume her royal duties post-Easter, the spotlight remains firmly fixed on her every move. The Photoshop controversy serves as a reminder of the intense scrutiny faced by members of the royal family, even in moments intended for celebration and connection.