
King Charles Expresses Great Sadness for Missing This Royal Event

King Charles has conveyed his “great sadness” after being unable to attend the 2024 Royal Maundy Service, an event that holds a special place in his heart.

Due to his absence, the King recorded a message that was played to the congregation at Worcester Cathedral during the service.

In his message, King Charles expressed his deep regret at not being able to join the gathering, emphasizing the significance of the Maundy Service to him personally.

He reflected on the origins of the service, tracing it back to the biblical account of Jesus washing his disciples’ feet as a symbol of humility and service to others.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, it is, for me, a great sadness that I cannot be with you all today. The Maundy Service has a very special place in my heart,” the King’s message conveyed.

Highlighting the profound symbolism of the Maundy Service, King Charles emphasized the importance of serving and caring for one another, drawing inspiration from the example set by Jesus.

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Despite his absence, Queen Camilla represented King Charles during the ceremony, presenting Maundy Money to 75 men and 75 women in recognition of their service to their local communities.

The tradition of the Monarch or their representative presenting alms on Maundy Thursday dates back to 1213, underscoring the enduring significance of the ceremony within the royal calendar.

Despite being unable to attend in person, King Charles’s heartfelt message and Queen Camilla’s presence ensured that the spirit of the Maundy Service was upheld, honoring the tradition and celebrating the contributions of individuals to their communities.