
President Zelenskiy Says Most Difficult Situation on Front Line is in Bakhmut

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy has announced that the most challenging situation on the front line is in Bakhmut. The Ukrainian army currently holds only a residential area in the west of the city and is fiercely resisting Russian attack aircraft.

According to reports, Russian forces have made further advances in the center of Bakhmut, north of the Metalurh stadium. This has led to a tense situation on the front line, with the Ukrainian army struggling to hold off the advancing Russian forces.

Bakhmut, which is located in the eastern Donetsk Oblast of Ukraine, has been a site of intense fighting since the beginning of the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia. The city has strategic importance due to its location near the border with Russia.

The recent advances by Russian forces have only made the situation more difficult for the Ukrainian army. President Zelenskiy has vowed to continue the fight to defend Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

As the situation in Bakhmut remains tense, the world waits to see what will happen next in this ongoing conflict.

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