
Princess Kate Middleton Reveals Prince William’s Quirky Habit

In a candid moment, Kate Middleton, the Princess of Wales, opened up about her husband Prince William’s quirky habit that she finds amusing yet exasperating.

During a visit to a RAF base in Cyprus in 2018, Kate couldn’t help but tease William about his penchant for indulging in pizza.

As William reminded the RAF officers to keep food away from the furniture, Kate interjected with a playful jab, remarking, “Keep the pizza off the sofas.” Her lighthearted comment offered a glimpse into the couple’s everyday interactions and showcased their playful dynamic.

Later, during an interview on Radio 1, Prince William shared insights into their takeaway routine, prompting Kate to chime in about their culinary preferences.

While William hinted at their occasional indulgence in pizza, Kate revealed her fondness for curry, emphasizing that they often prefer to pick it up themselves rather than ordering it to the palace.

The exchange not only highlighted the couple’s down-to-earth approach to dining but also showcased their relatable habits and preferences.

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Despite their royal status, William and Kate’s love for casual takeout meals and playful banter humanizes them and endears them to the public.

Kate’s playful tease about William’s pizza habit offers a charming glimpse into their married life, demonstrating their ability to find humor in everyday moments and navigate the joys and challenges of marriage with grace and laughter.

As they continue to fulfill their royal duties and navigate life in the public eye, their candid moments serve as a reminder of their genuine connection and unwavering bond.