
King Charles Empathetic Gesture Overshadows Harry and Meghan’s New Strategy

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are reportedly becoming ‘less relevant’ with time, as King Charles’ empathetic gesture steals the spotlight.

Amidst this, Prince Harry is ready to risk his marriage to Meghan Markle in an effort to reconnect with the Royal family, including King Charles and Prince William.

According to sources, the Duchess of Sussex is trying to be ‘supportive’ as the Duke plans a surprise trip to the UK to make amends with the monarch and the Prince of Wales.

However, she is not very enthusiastic about Harry making up with the Royal family, with whom she did not have a good relationship before their move to the US.

A source close to the Sussexes told Closer magazine that Meghan is doing her best to not let this situation come between them, but “obviously there’s plenty of reason for her to worry that this isn’t a healthy road for Harry to be going down.”

“The odds that his family is going to suddenly change their tune just because Harry shows up in person are not high, to say the least,” the source added.

Read More: Prince William and Kate Middleton Reach Personal Breaking Point

Harry plans to pay a surprise visit to his father and brother, thinking that they will not “turn him away at the gates if he shows up at Buckingham Palace, or Windsor Castle.”

Meghan, on the other hand, finds this “frustrating” because “he’s stretching himself so thin as it is, the last thing he needs is the distraction of this trip taking more of his time and attention away.”

As Prince Harry pursues reconciliation with his family, the complexities of his relationship with Meghan and the Royal family continue to unfold, under the watchful eye of the public and media.