
British Intelligence Ukraine war map as of Mar. 29

British Intelligence Ukraine war map as of Mar. 29

British Intelligence Update as of Mar 29

Fighting continues in the Donbas town of Bakhmut, though Russian assaults are still at a reduced level compared to recent weeks.

One of the key achievements of recent Ukrainian operations has likely been to push Russian Wagner Group fighters back from the 0506 route.

This minor country road has become a critical supply line for Ukrainian defenders. Wagner had previously been within a few hundred metres of the route.

On 26 March 2023, Russian media claimed Wagner had taken full control of the Azom factory complex to the north of Bakhmut town centre.

However, the area likely remains contested, as it has been for the past fortnight. With Wagner having now confirmed the release of at least 5000 prisoner fighters, personnel shortages are likely hampering Russian offensive efforts in the sector.