
Macro Guru Henrik Zeberg Predicts Fresh Crypto Season on the Horizon

Henrik Zeberg, a prominent macro economist, believes that the crypto markets are on the cusp of igniting a fresh altcoin season. Zeberg suggests that as markets price in a pause from the Fed, greed will eventually kick in, leading to a surge in altcoin prices.

According to Zeberg, momentum has recently slowed down for both Bitcoin and Ethereum, as demonstrated by a chart from crypto-focused hedge fund Swissblock. With momentum taking a breather for Bitcoin, the macro economist believes that BTC could give bulls a “buy-the-dip opportunity.”

While Zeberg is short-term bearish on Bitcoin and crypto, he still thinks that the asset will soar in the coming months. He predicts that equities and risk assets will “fly” and that Bitcoin will rally alongside the stock market.

Despite this positive outlook, Zeberg warns that a meltdown never before seen in nearly a century will follow the massive rally in the stock market.

As DXY bounces in the coming weeks, Zeberg believes that Bitcoin could see a pullback. However, he also sees this as an “amazing opportunity” to enter long positions. With Zeberg’s expertise in macroeconomics and his track record of successful predictions, his insights into the crypto markets are worth keeping an eye on in the coming months.